Just when I thought the days of youthful cavorting with the likes of
old friends through the steep streets of the Great City de Fogg were going to last forever, the iron bitch-slap of reality brought forth a sober attention to the awareness that tasks of great import, i.e. homework, had yet to be completed, and as such can account for every spark of energy spent, both physical and mental, over the last week and a half. And I must admit, I have yet to find myself wandering the streets in soiled underwear with my fingertips chewed off, as had been my prediction to the outcome of intense labor over school projects several times over the course of the summer. So perhaps there is hope for this honky-turned-city after all. And to maintain my growingly fierce, absolute and often-lamented reputation as one who always follows through with the completion of any task to the peak of my ability, regardless of size, difficulty, time, or any other obstacle threatening success, I present the fruits of my labor for all ye to witness, posthaste:
The image above is the second project for my Drawing From Imagination class, an interior in
two-point perspective. The still life below, featuring an angry Mexican shaman using his "skull powers" to obliterate my coffee cup, was completed for my Chiaroscuro class. Following that are several more in-class drawings from Clothed Figure Drawing, and since we are encouraged to add character and situation to our drawings to enhance their status as quality illustrations, the last four were all done using the same male model with subtle licenses taken. Also, I have added a couple images of my new studio space at the Academy's Fine Art building, which now serves as my second home and place of sacrificial-goat-worship. The last picture can be used as a metaphor for city life.